To enjoy the full benefits of the International Geraniaceae Group offer, why not become a Member?

Membership (£12) runs for 12 calendar months and includes the following:

  • 4 quarterly Newsletters, giving you access to up-to-date information about the Geraniaceae
  • 1 Seed Exchange distribution, giving you the opportunity to obtain access to rare species
  • Access to the IGG Digital Library, with digitised books and theses, as well as IGG publications, such as species check-lists.
  • Access to the digitised past Newsletters, an invaluable archive of knowledge
  • Access to the Group website Forum for discussions on Geraniaceae

Remittances from overseas are payable in Pounds Sterling £. We only accept payment via PayPal.

  • IGG Subscription - single rate for all.

Please be careful with online payments. The International Geraniaceae Group accepts no responsibility for online scams, phishing or other unlawful activities that purport to be coming from the International Geraniaceae Group.